Bloggers > Dominique


Who is Dominique? Someone who likes to travel as much as she can and explore the world.

I travelled alone for the first time when I was twenty, to Sri Lanka. And in that same year I also lived in Canada for half a year. This was one of my best decisions yet. And the moment I got bitten by the travel bug. From Europe to North-America. To Africa. I enjoy it all! I combine my love for travelling with my passion for photography. And I share these pictures on Instagram.

When I travel, I like to explore the city or nature on foot. You will see so much more this way. A great coffee place. A hidden park. Or a great viewing point. I even get up at 5am to explore. In Summer walking is the best thing. But in Winter I love to go skiing.

In Europe, I would like to explore more of the countryside. In Italy, France and Switzerland. But also Romania and Hungary are top of my list. Outside Europe, New Zealand and Canada have stolen my heart. And I would love to go there again. Or maybe even live there.

Home Sweet Home

I’m proud to call Amsterdam my home. I just love this city. It is the best place to work on my blog The Compass Reader. I’m always making new plans, to travel alone (I love travelling solo!),  or with my boyfriend or friends. Next stop: 2 months to Asia!

City trips

This is where the sun still shines in the fall

It's slowly getting chillier and darker outside - oh yes, it's that time of year..

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Solo travel blog
Travel tips

Why travelling solo is fantastic

It was four years ago when I went travelling on my own for the first..

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